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"Killer Church will inspire weak chuches to be strong robust churches. Nathan articulates biblical truth with a contemporary easy-to-understand style. I highly recommend this writing in today's world."

Dr. Frank Damazio

"Nathan Finochio pulls no punches in addressing the challenges God puts before us as we seek to build churches on the right foundations in a fallen culture which does it best to take us in all the wrong directions."

David Campbell

"Killer Church reveals how to keep the church anchored to God's purposes rather than our human assumptions and selfish expectations. With brilliant exposition of God's Word and memorable contemporary examples, Nathan Finochio reignites our passion for knowing God in spirit and truth, unleashing His Spirit in all areas of our lives."

Chris Hodges, Senior Pastor, Church of the Highlands, Author of The Daniel Dilemma and Out of the Cave


June 28, 2022

Are our churches killing us?


Killer Church walks readers through a Biblical study of life and death at the altar of God, and attempts to answer the question: are our churches making us sick?

The Church has become peripheral to many Christians today, but throughout the New Testament it remains the epicenter of worship. Where have we gone wrong? And how can we recover the spiritual vitality of the Acts Church? Nathan suggests a way forward both theologically and pastorally in the chapters in this book.

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